We like to complicate any process we get our hands on and as such, something that’s actually simple; becomes a 10 page list of notes that only serves to confuse you. That’s why I’ve made this short article on habits needed to get jacked quickly.
If you follow and internalise these three habits, you’ll be on your way to putting muscle on.
Believe that you effortlessly put on muscle.
This may either sound like a no brainer or just plain silly. But it actually works like a charm. I’ve seen this work in my own life and can vouch for its effectiveness.
I’ve been training in the gym for the last 8 years now. When I was younger it started out as a home gym where I created my own random plan with a buddy. We would do it every other day after school, from late 2015 to around late 2016, after which my friend stopped doing it yet I continued alone.
Until 2017 when I started to do a HIIT workout class and light weight lifting, this helped me lose a lot of the childhood fat and build up my endurance. I kept this up for 2 years until I briefly got into the gym during the end of 2019 and early 2020.
From 2020 to 2021, I did a form of callisthenics where I followed youtube videos. Then I got my own set of weights, up to 176 kg. During January 2022, I started to use free weights only.
From 2022 to 2023, is when I put the most muscle on in my entire life. I went from 80 kg to 96 kg at my heaviest. And what’s more is I didn’t step foot into a gym for 3 years.
What changed? Certainly having access to the gym did.
My mindset changed.
I was familiar with affirmations and I went through a tough time with my family, so instead of letting it get me down. I believed with all of my energy that I was going to get jacked.
And that happened. Every session, come rain come shine was successful.
Sure, there were days I wanted to hide away as it rained, during mid winter at temperatures of 8°C (46°f). But I gritted my teeth and completed the workout.
Because I believed so much in gaining muscle through lifting, missing a day was unacceptable. Afterwards I felt I’d achieved something greater than myself.
Habit 1 – Gaslight yourself into believing building muscle is not only easy, but a given.

Go for intensity, not time spent in the gym.
You know what sets people up for failure in the gym? Going for time. How can you gauge whether a workout was good by this?
You could’ve spent 30 minutes waiting for machines alone and the other hour listening to music with lyrics and whipping the phone out during every rest.
Or you could’ve done 30 minutes, hitting 4 sets of 4 different compound exercises with 1 minute active rests.
On paper, an hour and a half looks good. But then you must realise, the second example easily achieved double than the first in under half the time.
So what does intensity even mean?
It’s the amount of effort you put into a workout. Such as:
Increasing volume
- Sets
- Reps
- Weight
- Time under tension
Increasing leverage
- How far you extend yourself from point of contact
- Think of a tuck lever compared to a full front lever.
Decreasing rest periods
- If you feel stronger than normal decrease average rest time
I implore you to try out for yourself what feels best and what works well for you. If that looks like slower reps, then go ahead with that. What matters most is you make the change and give it a go.
The idea is to actually work your body in a more efficient and effective way.
It means you can get more done, in shorter periods of time. And a bonus is it becomes fun. You’re going to be more aware of what you’re doing, as listening to how you feel is an intuitive exercise that requires presence.
And when you focus properly, you will work smarter and start seeing results.
No brainer.
Habit 2 – Increase the intensity through volume, leverage or decreased rest time.
Consistently workout.
As the age old adage goes:
Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it fell in one.
Although slightly dramatic for the gym, it is very true. Building a truly impressive body that you can be proud of takes time. And a lot of it. There will be days when you want to give up, to stop and cry about having to go.
But you only lose if you don’t attend. It’s that simple.
Please don’t expect results if you go for 2 weeks and then stop going for a month. Repeating this pattern.
Because muscle building requires constant stress to grow, and if you don’t supply it, your body will simply stop. And then take into account your intensity level.
If you yo yo with being consistent AND have workouts that aren’t intense. You’re wasting your time.
If you’ve read this far, you obviously care about how you look. Amazing.
Tap into the true drive that makes you go. Get deep with it, and then draw energy from this place. As you do, working out will become part of your life’s mission.
When that happens, missing a day will feel like you’ve failed. Which is a great place to be in, as now there is an impetus to grow, to develop and build a cool physique.
But there is a final question I’ll leave you with…
How much do you want it?
Habit 3: Develop a consistent habit where you show up at least 3 times a week for yourself.
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