Life is what you make it.
It can be taken in any direction you choose. Absolute freedom. Yet we all get caught up in everyday life. Our limited horizons and routines blot out this freedom.
By simply following habits and routines, we lock ourselves in these patterns. And so the mind becomes comfortable in this space.
When you are closed minded, your vision is coloured with the hue of your choice. Information is now labelled, if it is the same colour then it is accepted in. Everything else disregarded.
Even to the extent that, from one source the information doesn’t matter. But the same knowledge from someone in the same hue, is more than acceptable.
A closed mind distorts and reduces experiences that are waiting to be explored.
There are lessons to be learned in all aspects and walks of life. It’s your job to accept these, even if it goes against ego.
This way, the life you can live is broadened without external boundaries set on you.
Becoming more open
When I say being more open, I don’t mean to let everything in. We don’t want to have our personalities changed by this or that.
You wouldn’t be a very strong person if one bit of information you let in had the power to change the course of your life.
Or one bit of negativity sidetracking your current direction.
This is far too open and receptive to the external. This extreme will have you flung from one thing to another without any hope of success.
The true open mind is one that can see everything in unison, picking out the best qualities for the current paradigm. Whilst staying true to self.
This way, you take the best from things that would have been glanced over.
Part of the All
Previously in my life, I’d class everything into neat boxes. Good or bad. Harmful or helpful. True or false.
I didn’t realise that this was my perspective and my own system of taking information in. But it’s ineffective.
There is gold to be had in all walks of life. By broadly boxing ideas, you will for sure miss this gold.
Remember, from your perspective there are things you hate. It’s colour is red and that goes in the red box. Though look a little closer and you may find a blotch of a different colour, or a chunk of gold.
Curiously, it wasn’t until I understood there is a single creation and nothing outside of this. Without getting too metaphysical, this worldview is one where God is the creator and creation. Self perpetuating and ever lasting.
This may be blasphemous to some, but I implore you to search. Certain material will present itself to you when ready.
Anyway, once I understood this, things clicked into place. Suddenly, my worst enemy has lesson to share – in fact more than your friends.
Because God is all. Everything is God.
We are part of this creation and so nothing is truly “bad”. It’s a shade of perspective and holds truth in it.
As long as you can see this, most things won’t phase you. Truth in all, no matter how small, lessons to be learned everywhere.
As such, you become closer to God and more doors open to you.
Hope you enjoyed this article.